
06 January, 2015

Is Voting A Right Or A Civic Duty?

While a couple of the points presented in the picture below are debatable, most are solid. We must understand that it's not as if the voters really wobble between being conservative and liberal so often. Rather, in the last elections many Democrats failed to turn out and vote. Some of that failure to vote was the result of Republicans trying to create obstacles to voters who would be more affected, like Democrats. Some of the failure was also many Democrats who felt that it was pointless. Often the media, much of which is actually quite conservative (I mean the news outlets) promote a narrative that we should expect Republicans to win. Many Democrat voters bought into that, combined with the fallacious idea that the midterm elections are somehow less important.

Image is from: Janis Ian's Facebook page.

There is also the fallacious narrative that supposedly all politicians are bad, Republican and Democrat, alike. The fact is there are many bad politicians. There many Democrats who are less than ideal. But, when you vote for the "lesser of two evils" you are setting the stage for greater chances of success when you then appeal to those politicians to get important things done. Additionally, you should know that a smaller percent of Democrat politicians than Republican politicians are bad. On top of that, most of those Democrats that are bad tend to be less bad than the Republicans who are bad. So, ultimately, even if you feel that Democrats are as bad as Republicans, you should know they really aren't "as bad".

With that, you should also know that elections depend on numbers. Statistically Democrats significantly outnumber Republicans across the nation. If every Democrat voter voted and every Republican voter voted, the outcome would be decidedly in favor of Democrats, overall. And, while in certain districts it's true that the balance can be quite in favor of Republicans, if there are more Democrats in office than Republicans it will be harder for Republicans to Gerrymander the districts in their favor. In future elections those districts would shift to favor Democrats.

Image from: Vocal Progressives's Facebook page.

Voting is not so much a privilege or a "right", as we Americans have long been taught. Rather, voting is a civic duty. As a citizen it is your duty to vote in the elections. As a Democratic-Republican Federation, our nation necessarily depends on the votes of the people. Your country, your state, and your city, all depend on your participation. It is a civic duty to vote because the vote of the people determines the direction of the society, the nation and state. Your failure to vote can negatively affect your neighbor, and yourself, every bit as much as the vote of each conservative. Your failure to vote is telling your neighbor that you will leave her at the mercy of corporations that would rather take the welfare they'd deny her. Your failure to vote is you telling your children that they should not care about their education, because you'll allow conservatives to cut funding to schools. Voting is a civic duty.

Copyright © 2015, Joshua Michail.

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