
21 November, 2014

Please Help Me! Here's Your Chance To Help Me Decide On A Title For My Book.

I'm now trying to settle on a title for my book. I would like some input. So, here are the candidates. Please vote for the one you think is the best. You can comment below with your choice and anything you'd like to say. I'd really appreciate some participation in this poll. Thank you.

For reference, the book is a sort of handbook, self-help book, in which I try to offer a secular alternative to the rules and form of religions. The idea in this book is that in the first of the three sections, I discuss society, evolution, humanity, government and economics, philosophy and psychology. I do this to layout some basic concepts and establish a basis for the rest of the book's discussions. The second section I discuss morality, secularity, honor, and ways to look at living life in a way that we find meaning, without any religious context. In the third section I discuss a variety of things that people often wish to improve in themselves, and how these areas can be accomplished without religious context. Often self-help books talk in a religious-mystical context, but I wanted to help people but with a secular option.

1. A Moral New World (the current working title)
2. Your World Within
3. Being In the World
4. The World and Us
5. Life and You
6. Making A Better World
7. Lifelong
8. Your Life
9. A New View To Your World

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