
12 February, 2012

Darwin Day

Today is an important holiday. It is a holiday celebrated around the world by many people. The day is the 12th of February, each year. This year it's on a Sunday, it just so happens. This holiday is about celebrating science, and it's called Darwin Day, or International Darwin Day. In honor of one of history's greatest scientific contributors, Charles Darwin, who proposed the famous Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection. It is observed on the 12th of February because that is the anniversary of Darwin's birth in 1809.

            I like to give out science related gifts on this holiday. The first year that I celebrated it I gave my family and friends a copy of Charles Darwin's On the Origin Of Species. The next year the gift was a copy of Sir Isaac Newton's Philosophy Of Nature and the year after that it was a copy of Sigmund Freud's Introduction To Psychoanalysis. I've also given copies of Albert Einstein's Special and General Theories Of Relativity and Johannes Kepler's Harmonies Of the World. One could also give gifts other than books. A chemistry set, telescope, microscope or other scientific tools would be great gifts as well.

             This holiday is intended for the celebration of science, so it would be a wonderful thing to go to a science museum. People who wish to observe Darwin Day could also watch science programs on TV and have conversations about science. A group of friends, or a family observance could include playing games like Trivial Pursuit, but only using science questions. There are so many possibilities. The two important rules of this holiday are, first, that the activities be fun and, second, that it's all about science and its importance to human knowledge. So enjoy Darwin Day and happy discovering to you.

copyright 2012, Joshua Michail

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